Hasn’t 2020 been a memorable year? (or should I say crazy?) We now look at things differently, do things differently maybe even wish some things could go back to the way it was while in quarantine, such as more family time etc. Some of us have had shows, clinics, sales cancelled. Some of us have had to learn how to set up Zoom meetings or online sales.
Just wanted to say thank you to the Iowa Dorset Breeders who took the time to take out a membership, renew their membership and/or take out an ad to promote their farm and the Dorset breed.
We as Dorset producers, are striving to provide our communities with knowledge of the enjoyment and profits of raising Dorsets. This includes ALL Dorset producers - Polled Dorset, Horned Dorset, Wether Type Dorset, and Dorset Advantage.
We need to band together to promote the Dorset Sheep.
Please help us encourage other Iowa Dorset breeders to become a member and take out an ad in next years’ directory. We would like to see our Dorset breed grow.
Due to the State Fair being postponed we won’t be hosting our “After the Show Meal and Get Together” this year. Hope to see you all next year!
— Monte Wilson, IDA President, and your 2020 Iowa Dorset Association Officers